Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Monday, March 25, 2013

Quadros em tela de Luciana Illustration agora disponiveis no Shopping Palladium em Curitiba!

Atencao pessoal de Curitiba! Agora voces ja podem comprar quadros impressos em tela com nossa arte: Luciana Illustration fez parceria com a Loja Kerotudo que vai vender telas e muita coisa bacana em novo quiosque no Shopping Palladium, em frente as Livrarias Curitiba. Apareca la e pergunte sobre a tela Dinotrain ou Zoomarine, e muitas outras em breve. Olha que legal ficou o quiosque!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Bug Pie!

"Bug Pie" is my little one's favorite activity from Spatter and Spark, he loves gathering bugs to make Hubert's favorite dish, bug pie. While he giggles at Hubert's satisfied burp at the end of the game he is also practicing his Math skills. Have you got yours yet? "Spatter and Spark" available now on iTunes!